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A member registered Jun 29, 2016

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Talk about a late reply but if I remember correct you look at the animal horns hanging on the wall downstairs and compare it to the box upstairs on the bed.

I may not have peace, but at least I have closure....

Cool atmosphere in this game. Short but really fun.

Late reply but yes you are missing small details. Just check the source of the code again carefully and compare to the box and you will catch what you missed.  If you're still stuck, the dev has answered the question here in the comments.

Go check the code again, it opens but you are missing small details. Compare the box to the source carefully and you will see.

It opens. Go check the code again, you are missing small details. Same thing happened to me, put in the code and it didn't work. Looking at the box, I realized the code I thought was right was wrong then had to go check code again.

Atmosphere of this game was great. Had a good time with this one.

Cool game! Didn't think I was gonna be able to escape from Jig but I finally beat it. I had 1 or 2 items in my inventory that I felt I either didn't use or should have been thrown away after use but maybe I just missed their purpose. Really cool game though.

Cool ass game. I definitely had fun playing through it and didn't want it to end.

I didn't finish but it was a fun game. Little girl scared me a few times. The camera is a little slow for my preference but not a complaint.

Camera just spins in circles on the remastered version on Windows 10 for me. The Legacy version works but I couldn't figure out what to do at the big Dominos crates after jumping across the rocks in the water, so I quit there. Seems fun though.

(1 edit)

Well that was fun and simple. The moth came out on its own lol. Edit- I tried again and same thing happened. Moth wiggled out before I could even get the hook in.